Convocatoria abierta./ Open Call
PFC Caracas en esta oportunidad hace un llamado a toda la comunidad 2.0, a que se anime a crear a través de retratos una identidad global en la web.
La identidad en la web, el usuario en ésta tiene toda libertad para conformarla, hablar de identidad en un medio como el Internet es en realidad hablar de códigos y números, es referirse a un compendio de aspectos, es un reflejo de lo que todos somos, una identidad edificada a bases de consideraciones globales. En este sentido toda identidad 2.0 es una abstracción, una imagen construida en caracteres que nos representa en un mundo impalpable.
PCF Caracas, se plantea en ésta oportunidad reflejar tal visión por medio de una pieza interactiva, una video instalación, en la cual se planea por medio de la ejecución del espectador conformar múltiples identidades.
La presentación de esta instalación se llevara a cabo en el marco de la celebración del primer año de transmisión online de DeOrigenBélico,
Espacio Sonoro, en constante construcción. Abierto a toda propuesta onLine.
MASIFICA2.0 - Open Calling
Caracas PFC calls out to all members of the 2.0 community to participate in this event by sending us their digital portraits, thus creating what we’ve come to call their global web identity. Creating an identity by means of internet is a process of building from foundations that involve global considerations. Users have complete freedom in the process of creating a web identity, the identity in this context being made up of codes and numbers among a variety of other elements that uniquely reflect what we all are. In this sense every 2.0 identity is an abstraction, an image built on characters and bits of information that represent individuals in an intangible world.
This time, PFC Caracas sets out to manifest this idea through an interactive piece, a video installation by which the spectator create multiple identities of (him/her)self, diluting the sense of individuality and focusing in on an intangible multi-user identity.
The presentation of this installation was carried out within the framework of the celebration of the first year of online DeOrigenBélico transmission,
Sound area, constantly under construction. Open to any proposal online.
MASIFICA2.0 - Open Calling
Caracas PFC calls out to all members of the 2.0 community to participate in this event by sending us their digital portraits, thus creating what we’ve come to call their global web identity. Creating an identity by means of internet is a process of building from foundations that involve global considerations. Users have complete freedom in the process of creating a web identity, the identity in this context being made up of codes and numbers among a variety of other elements that uniquely reflect what we all are. In this sense every 2.0 identity is an abstraction, an image built on characters and bits of information that represent individuals in an intangible world.
This time, PFC Caracas sets out to manifest this idea through an interactive piece, a video installation by which the spectator create multiple identities of (him/her)self, diluting the sense of individuality and focusing in on an intangible multi-user identity.
The presentation of this installation was carried out within the framework of the celebration of the first year of online DeOrigenBélico transmission,
Sound area, constantly under construction. Open to any proposal online.